
How to Become an Offshore Oil Rig Worker – 5 Tips to Get Hired Fast

New starts usually have the toughest time to get hired, besides looking for an offshore oil rig job with no experience or a job in any other industry. And it's normal by one side!

Who wants to hire offshore oil rig workers without experience on oil rig platforms? Moreover, this is more complicated to get on the rig platforms in time of recession or just in tight economy, because it's really difficult to justify the needed time to train new hires (no matter offshore oil rig workers with no experience, cleaners, or whatever you think). You can not fake the oil rig experience, but you can at least express your intention to get learn of the specifity of offshore oil rig jobs. If you seem to be clueless you can not get hired on the job. You need to have a good attitude.

The very first step while looking for an offshore oil rig job you need to undertake is to find and talk to people who are already involved in the Oil and Gas industry to share their experience with you. It is even preferably to get in touch with someone who is currently working in the offshore oil rig industry. Hopefully, you could find a relative, college senior or old friend of your family that is already in the offshore oil industry. You just need to ask them as many questions as you can so you can extract their experience. Ask them questions like:
  • What is it like in their job?
  • How are their colleagues?
  • What is life like on the inside on oil rig platforms?
  • What is their company like?
Remember one thing: You Do Not need to be Shy! Only pushy people succeed while looking for offshore oil rig jobs.

Next step while looking for an offshore oil rig jobs no experience is to do some readings. You have to find some articles, magazines, books related to the offshore oil rig industry in the library. You need to find as much information as you can for the offshore oil rig jobs no experience. Find out what government regulations cause problems?; what is the competition in the oil rig industry?; find out further information which can helps you place things in context.

While spending half a year in research for offshore oil rig industry is not recommended, you need to spend at least several days skimming through the related articles, books and magazines in Internet about the oil rig jobs in the library. You need to try to immerse yourself in the kind of problems that matter to the offshore oil rig industry and take notes about it. You have to find out the biggest oil rig companies, understand what do they do and how do they fir together?

You also need to find as much information as you can related to the offshore oil rig industry. Try searching for the following keywords "oil industry," "oil rig" and "offshore job." Again, take notes on what you have found. Find out, who are the major players in the oil rig industry and who are the bit players? How do they work together? You also need to check out the oil rig forums because you can find very valuable information shared by people currently looking for oil rig jobs, as well as people currently engaged in the oil rig industry. Once you have the results you can come up with some questions and post them. There is surely, much to learn.

You should also look at the job postings on some websites and you must consider what are the required oil rig job skills and experience. While looking for an oil rig jobs, consider any information for recruitment agents involved for the oil industry area.

Next step, based on all information you gathered is to start writing your resume and cover letter. Follow the main points:
  • You need to have no more longer than 1 page cover letter. This is the 1st thing any recruiter staff sees when you apply for oil rig job.
  • Don't forget to put the post in the subject line for the oil rig job you are applying for.
    • Correct: “Re: Ref. No: XXX – Mechanic on Offshore Oil Rig”
  • You need to mention in your resume and cover letter what is in it for your future boss on the offshore oil rig platform, as well as why you need to be hired as an oil rig worker.
  • You can also pick up the other details on the offshore oil rig job at the jobs sites.
Search for any recruitment agent that does hiring for the offshore oil industry before you post your resume and cover letter. You aren't looking for a job as a waiter or a clerk. With a risk to sound sycophantic, find an oil rig job recruiter and buy him a lunch or dinner if necessary.

You don't need to worry about this, because the oil rig jobs are though and it's not that easy to get oil rig jobs with no experience. This step is very important because an experience oil rig recruiter is able to keep you away from making mistakes while applying for a job. 

Most of the off offshore oil rig companies keep old resumes, cover letters of job applicants for several years. If you resume has been once stamped "Rejected!" today, you will not have any other opportunity at that company for at least 1 or even 2 years.

If you follow these 5 tips you will have a new chance of being hired to work on an offshore oil rig platform or some other oil industry job.

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